Sunday, November 8, 2015

Spinning Tales About Birds

Supposedly, birds evolved from theropod dinosaurs.  Worldwide, there are over 10,000 species. 

The largest bird is the ostrich; it is flightless.   Research suggests that after the demise of dinosaurs, a flying bird like the ostrich’s ancestor was able to forage on the ground.  Over time, it grew bigger and ultimately lost the ability to fly.  An ostrich egg weighs 3-5 pounds, the size of a cantaloupe, and takes two hours to hard boil!

The smallest species is the bee hummingbird.  Why the hum?  The wings beat fast (hum) as they hover like a helicopter.  Flying backwards is also possible.  Its egg is the size of a pea, and the nest is one inch in diameter.  An adult may reach 0.071 ounces.

Two categories classify newborns.  An altricial bird, such as a songbird or hummingbird, is born featherless or sparse, eyes closed, and helpless.  A precocial bird, such as a duck or shorebird, is born down covered, eyes open, and active.  The black-necked stilt, a shorebird, may leave its nest within one hour of birth; it readily combs the shallow water for food.  Yet, an altricial bird gains independence sooner.

When a nestling (completely dependent stage) matures, it leaves the nest and becomes a fledgling.  It may not fly well and often hops around, vulnerable to predators.  Identifying features are short flight feathers on wings and tail.  Generally, the parents guard nearby. 
Juvinile Cardinal - photo Brett Pigon

Distinguishing age relies on molt patterns and plumage.  The feathers of a young bird are less organized and stubby.  Sexual maturity varies.  A smaller bird matures earlier—the northern cardinal takes one year, and the bald eagle takes four to five years.

Communication abounds.  Even before birth, a chick inside an egg issues calls to parents.   A bird releases short and simple calls for flight and danger; an intricate song attracts a mate or declares territorial defense.  

Singing is learned early.  A nestling memorizes.  As a fledgling, it practices for months.  One song or more is memorized with varying versions.  The brown thrasher song types exceed 1,000.  

The mockingbird, Florida’s state bird, is a songbird that can mimic other birds, insects, frogs, cats, and even squeaky doors.  Its own varied and repetitive vocals may last all night in the springtime.

Trivia…Eat like a bird is misleading—a bird may eat twice its weight daily.  Feeding waterfowl white bread crumbs causes malnutrition—nourishing food is shunned.   A bird’s heart beats up to 1000 times per minute when flying.  A bird does not sweat. 

Indeed, birds are essential!  They eat insects, pollinate, and disperse seeds.  Moreover, especially during the breeding season, breathtaking colors are displayed.  Such treasures!